

General Rules for Posting Printed Materials

  • Bulletin Boards are placed throughout the campus and are 可供社区使用 除非另有说明.
  • Flyers, advertisements, and other printed materials 不需要事先批准 from the However, any printed material deemed to be slanderous, libelous, obscene, 会有冒犯或色情内容 立即删除.
  • No printed material may be placed on or against, attached to, or written on any structure or natural feature of the campus, including but 不 limited to windows, doors, building walls (interior and exterior), walkways, roads, posts, fences, waste receptacles, trees, plants, 电梯, 或避难所.

  • No printed materials may be left unattended on campus grounds or inside campus buildings without prior permission of the Director of 学生生活 or the College Administrator responsible for the building.
  • 宣传可能 不得贴在或留在汽车上 在查伯特学院的停车场.




table vendors for voting and other programs桌子售卖计划

The 桌子售卖计划 is an effective way to 积极推动 您的活动和计划通过 面对面接触 与查伯特学院社区合作. Table vending allows organizations to reserve a table 在 Student Center (building 2300) Lobby在咖啡厅外面. Tabling is 允许 fr om 10am-5pm Monday through Friday, 在校园开放的日子里. 桌子必须是 提前预订 和嵌合 fees may apply to off-campus organizations.

A 完整的描述 of the 桌子售卖计划 including policies, procedures, and and application is 在 桌位售卖申请.


The Spectator is “大学’s award winning student-run newspaper, operated by 新闻系. 要做广告,请访问 观众的网站 查阅联络资料.


KCRH电台89.9 FM

KCRH 89.9 is a student run radio station operated by the “大学 Mass Communications 部门. KCRH offers promotional support to all “大学 programs and special 韦德1946网站.

有关促销要求,请发送电子邮件 promotions@kcrhradio.com



Let 学生生活 do the work for you!

在校园实体,如 recognized Student Organizations and Campus 部门s and Programs 提供 额外投寄资源 including digital signs, kiosk space, banner space, and 人字形. 这些资源 are managed by the 学生生活 office and 所有材料需要审批 张贴前. 所有的材料都是 posted and removed by the 学生生活 办公室,除非另有说明.


  • Submit electronic copies of design to life@seaneyre.com. You will receive a response via 电子邮件 within 3 business days.
  • Once approved, paper copies (up to 10) can be delivered to the 学生生活 office (Building 2300, room 2355) for posting.
  • Approved copies will be stamped and posted by 学生生活 within 2 business days. Approved electronic ads will also be posted within 2 business days.

传单将保留 posted for up to 2 weeks or until the Friday after your event and will be removed by 学生生活.

Requirements for all approved flyers

  • The name of sponsoring individuals, department or registered club or organization and contact information of the primary organizer.
  • Promotional materials for 韦德1946网站 must include an accessibility statement providing a name, contact information (phone or 电子邮件) , and a deadline to request 住宿. A 10 working day deadline for 住宿 is good amount of time to request.

    例子 - "All persons with disabilities are welcome and may make requests for accessibility 住宿. To request 住宿, please contact [主办单位名称] at [电话号码及/或 电子邮件] by [截止日期]."
  • An 英语翻译 for anything written in a language other than English.


Electronic Advertising for Campus Groups

Electronic Advertising is a very efficient and sustainable way to spread the word 韦德1946你的活动、项目等. Using electronic media allows you to have full color ads with no printing or waste and the opportunity to distribute and share with 更广泛的受众.



  • 100年建筑
  • 300年建筑
  • 500年建筑
  • 800年建筑
  • 900年建筑
  • 1200年建筑
  • 1700年建筑
  • 1800年建筑
  • 2200年建筑
  • 退伍军人资源中心


  • 滚动电子广告
  • Full color with no printing necessary


  • Recommend that files be submitted in .JPG格式
  • Recommend Dimensions – 640 x 936 pixels


The 学生生活 office is happy to help advertise your 韦德1946网站, programs and services to our growing network of current students, former students, staff faculty, community members , and organizations through our social media accounts.


Like our pages and contact us with all your campus 韦德1946网站, meetings, announcements, 等. We’ll be happy to share your 社交媒体 posts.



在哪里张贴传单、海报 & 平面广告

kiosk with display cases and flyers

1. 户外亭


  • 学生中心(2300栋)
  • 300年建筑
  • 500年建筑
  • 800年建筑


  • 封闭的情况下
  • 的空间 更大的传单和海报 最大11 " x17 "
  • Advertisements will remain up until after the event date

学生中心的阳台   学生中心的阳台 with a banner

2. 学生中心阳台

地点: 学生中心(2300栋), overlooking the cafeteria


  • 高流量 位置
  • 只有足够大的空间 banners and posters larger than 24”x36”



3. 人字形


  • 理想的海报(24x36)
  • Mobile - can be placed throughout the campus


  • 只供户外使用
  • Avoid placing 在 middle of any walkways or fire lanes in order to provide aclear pathway for emergency and maintenance vehicles
  • Please do 不 block stairwells or 建筑入口


  • Available to check out from 学生生活
  • Responsible for own setup and return
  • Maximum of 2 weeks for each checkout
  • When utilizing these 人字形 we highly recommend using packing tape or other heavy 粘贴海报的胶带


4. 人行道粉笔


  • “粉笔在你走过的地方” - Please chalk only on outdoor walkways and open concrete grounds. (不是在门上, walls, windows, pillars and columns, 等)

  • 粉笔书写是 允许 附近 建筑入口. Chalk dust can stain and/or damage carpet and other interior floors.